Taking care of your credit and keeping it in good shape is a sound financial habit. It helps you to reach your life goals by building your creditworthiness in the eyes of prospective lenders. The most important aspect of assessing your financial health depends on your credit score and credit report. While you may have heard of people using the terms credit report and credit score in lieu of one another, both offer very different insights into how you have managed your credit in the past.
Not sure what is the difference between credit score and credit report? Let’s take a look
When looking at your credit report, you should have a fair understanding of how to check your credit score. Your credit score is a 3 digit number on your credit report that usually ranges between 300 and 850. Typically, a score between 700 and 749 is considered to be good, anything over 750 is deemed to be excellent. Credit scores are typically assigned for every individual or entity with a PAN card and who has any kind of credit transactions. These are assigned by credit bureaus, who in turn get the data from lenders across the country. For instance, the credit score issued by TransUnion is known as CIBIL score, and is amongst the most popularly used credit scores in the country.
The score provides a snapshot of your creditworthiness to all kinds of lenders, including credit card companies, mortgage lenders, auto lenders, etc. The score keeps changing depending on your borrowing activity.
The credit score is calculated taking into account the information that is listed in your credit report. These key parameters include:
Remember to check your CIBIL score periodically so that you have a fair idea on how your profile may be perceived by a prospective lender. If you are looking to build your credit, monitoring your credit score regularly certainly helps.
When you need to take a detailed look at your financial history, your credit report outlines a comprehensive list of all your payments and lines of credit. However, it does not always display your credit score.
Credit reports tend to run for several pages that list information broken down by categories. These include:
There are 4 major credit bureaus in India. These are TransUnion Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited or CIBIL, Experian, CRIF Highmark and Equifax.
When it is a question of credit score vs credit report, you really cannot choose one over the other. Both components have a purpose to fulfil and are intricately connected as far as establishing your creditworthiness is concerned.
In a nutshell, your credit report is a reflection of your entire borrowing history whereas the credit score is a summation of it taking into account your credit history with respect to all past and current debt instruments.
Remember that if you have a great credit report, your credit score will automatically be good too. On the other hand, too many red flags and negative elements like defaults on loan repayments, bankruptcies will lead to a poor credit report and therefore a bad credit score.
Your credit or CIBIL score is a significant part of your personal loan application getting approved. Generally, the minimum CIBIL score for personal loan applications to be sanctioned hovers around 750 or more. If you have a CIBIL score close to 900, then the chances of you getting a personal loan approved are significantly high.
SMFG India Credit eligibility criteria require personal loan applicants to have at least 750 credit score at the time of making their loan application. You can use the personal loan eligibility calculator on the SMFG India Credit website to check if you meet all mandatory parameters needed to apply for a personal loan.
If you have been trying to secure a loan and have a credit rating of 750 and above, apply online today for an instant personal loan.
* Please note that this article is for your knowledge only. Loans are disbursed at the sole discretion of SMFG India Credit. Final approval, loan terms, disbursal process, foreclosure charges and foreclosure process will be subject to SMFG India Credit's policy at the time of loan application. If you wish to know more about our products and services, please contact us
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